Commercial Cleaning Services Canada

We Know The Importance Of Clean Office

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Office & Commercial Cleaning Services

Cleaning services are essential for commercial buildings. Whether an office, a medical facility, or a retail storefront, our Cleaning Heights team of experienced cleaners is here to help. 

Maintain a healthier work environment for employees through improved hygiene in the workspaces. Our Commercial Cleaning Service Toronto is modeled on the specific needs of each business because we understand each one is unique.

Our commercial cleaning service is made available to companies who feel they need it.

Some offices have kitchens that the staff use to make coffee, microwave lunches, and store food and drink. No one has time to clean here so these kitchens may be small, but they can get grubby quickly. Also, bacteria can form on kitchen surfaces that are well-used but not cleaned or disinfected regularly.

"Save your company time and inconvenience by relying on a commercial cleaner."

Businesses cannot afford to be responsible for making their staff sick due to improper working conditions. This applies to the office space, but also other areas like a staff kitchen.

The washrooms in business premises are regularly used and need cleaning almost as often. This helps them to remain operational because less gunge builds up and so reduces maintenance issues. This is important to staff just as much as management. 

Offices also usually have large work areas, sometimes open plan and other times divided into cubicles, private offices, and meeting rooms. These all need cleaning, dusting, and vacuuming, and to do so without damaging any expensive equipment like laptops, servers, etc.

"Specialist Commercial Cleaners from Cleaning Heights"

Our team of specialist commercial cleaners is familiar with the cleaning requirements of commercial spaces. These are quite different from that of a residential home. The list of spaces to clean is usually more expansive too.

Due to the variable nature of commercial cleaning requirements, it’s helpful to talk one-on-one to nail down what’s required. Understanding important details like the number of cubicles, private offices, meeting rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and how many floors is beneficial. However, we also need a good sense of the scope.

Complete our Commercial Cleaning Services form below to provide the essentials. We can then look them over, get in touch, and agree on specifics.

Phone: 647-286-2156
Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM – 17:00 PM
Sat: 11:00 AM – 16:00 PM
Sunday - Closed
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